7 Quick Takes (v. 57)

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Tonight my husband and I are going to an adults-only Halloween party.  It will be my first time dressing up in a costume for a party since college, but it will be my husband’s first time ever.  Thankfully the party starts at six, so that we can be home by ten or eleven (our babysitter, Granny, has to work tomorrow morning).  But the best part is that even though most of my husband’s colleagues live all over the Chicago area, the one who is throwing the party lives only ten minutes away in our own town.  I’m not going to tell you what we’re dressing up as, though.  That would just ruin the surprise once we get some pictures.


So, I’m thinking about trying National Novel Writing Month that starts on November 1.  This gives me four days to finish reading Story Engineering (recommended in Jen’s Quick Takes for this week); if I don’t by then I’ll have a major dilemma.  Do I hold off writing for a few days in order to finish the book, or do I start writing while still reading the book?  I don’t have any grand dreams of being published, but this book inspires me to think that I might actually finish writing my story instead of walking away after a few days.


We are on our third virus running through the house since September 11th.  The first one involved fever and red splotches on the skin.  The second one included fever, sore throat, runny nose, hacking cough, conjunctivitis, and hives.  Now this third one revolves around a runny nose and stuffy sinuses.  Each of the kids  has been to the doctor at least once.  Fun, fun, fun!


Its been three weeks since my MIL moved in with us.  So, far I think things have been going pretty well for all of us.  Since she’s gone to work most days, it really hasn’t effected us during the day.  In the evenings, she is often tired so she spends an hour or so after dinner relaxing in her room before going to bed early.  During the time when she’s out, it’s nice to have an extra pair of hands to get drinks and deal with issues.  And it’s been nice to have a live-in babysitter with a car to share with all these trips to the pediatrician.


For Bailey and Piper it’s a little bittersweet that there will be no more trips to “Granny’s house”, but Granny’s room has become a popular spot.  They are really good about not bothering her when she wants her resting time, but she welcomes them to snuggle with her in the morning on her days off.  And sometimes she invites them all in to watch SpongeBob on her television.  I know that Katie enjoys having Granny here all the time.  Now Sabrina hadn’t spent as much time at Granny’s house due to her age and the fact that she was just recently weaned, but she has become Granny’s little shadow around the house.  She goes crazy with excitement every day when Granny gets homes from work; I think this has made it all worth it to my MIL in and of itself.


Facebook has been especially politically charged in recent weeks.  I’ve really been trying to restrain myself in light of all the stereotyping and extreme rhetoric flying around.    The one that particularly gets me is the one that says “If you don’t like abortion, then don’t get one” with a call not to take other people’s rights away.  I just want to say “If you don’t like murder, then don’t murder someone”, “If you don’t like theft, then don’t steal”, “If you don’t like rape, then don’t rape”.  I suspect that the people passing the first one around wouldn’t agree that people should have the right to murder the born, steal, or rape.


We’re over halfway through our fall homeschooling semester.  Bailey (third grade) is chugging along with her studies, even though I lost her catechism this week (hopefully I can find it before Monday), and we’ve had to tweak some of her independent reading.  Piper (kindergarten) is in the second workbook of Explode the Code online.  I must admit that in all of the brouhaha of moving my mother-in-law in I haven’t been spending as much time with Katie, but hopefully I can rectify that this coming week.

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